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Canada Shuts the Door: Spousal Open Work Permits for International Students on Pause

In a recent move, Canada has introduced new rules affecting the work permits of spouses of international students. The government has decided to limit the availability of open work permits for spouses, impacting families of students studying at lower education levels.

What’s Changing?

Starting now, only spouses of international students enrolled in master’s and doctoral programs will be eligible for open work permits. Unfortunately, this means that spouses of students in undergraduate and college programs, including those pursuing secondary education, won’t have access to open work permits anymore.

Why the Change?

The government is making this adjustment to manage the growing number of international students in the country. By focusing on higher education levels, they believe they can better balance the benefits of hosting students while also addressing challenges related to housing, healthcare, and other services.

What Does This Mean for Families?

While these changes might make things more challenging for families of international students in lower-level programs, the government sees them as necessary for maintaining the integrity of the immigration system. The goal is to provide a stable and enriching experience for families by prioritizing higher education.

What’s Next?

The government emphasizes that these changes are part of a bigger plan to reform the International Student Program. In the coming months, they’ll explore new measures to help international students, along with their families, transition to the Canadian job market. The focus will be on creating clear paths to permanent residence for students with skills that are in demand.

In Conclusion:

These adjustments to spousal work permits show Canada’s commitment to finding a balance between the benefits of having international students and addressing the challenges that come with it. While some families may be affected, the overall aim is to create a supportive and sustainable environment for international students and their families in Canada. It’s important for everyone involved to stay informed about these changes and their impact.

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